Cats Prefer to Saunter

When you’re out and about today, relax and walk leisurely. It’s World Sauntering Day, so just slow down and enjoy the stroll! It’s also Garfield The Cat Day. The lazy orange and black cat, created by Jim Davis, appeared in his first comic strip in 1978. Eat lasagna in his honor!

Finally Free

On June 19th 1865, the last enslaved people in Texas finally learned they were free. That day in United States history, now known as Juneteenth, marked independence for all. Learning more about slavery helps us understand the importance of emancipation, and inspires us to treat all humans equally, and with respect.

Maybe Dad Would Like a Watch

Happy Father’s Day! Don’t forget to say thanks to your dad, and all the men in your life that help raise you. Spend time doing something fun together. It’s also Watch Day. The first watches, in the 15th century, were carried in pockets. Smartwatches do a lot more, but old watches didn’t need batteries.

UpDownUpDown Up Down Up. Down.

Daniel Scali can do more push-ups than you, no matter who you are. The Australian athlete just broke the world record, by completing 3,182 push-ups in one hour. If he’d done 1-per-second, he would have finished 3,600, but I suppose he got just a bit tired at the end, and needed to slow down!

Teenage Hero Saves the Day

17-year-old Anthony Zhongor’s bravery and quick thinking, saved a classmate’s life. After seeing a car accidentally drive into the Patchoque Bay in New York, he realized the driver couldn’t get out, because the car was submerged. Anthony dove in, and pushed the nose of the car down, so she could escape through the back.

Keep Those Objects Airborne

Can you juggle? Give it a try, for World Juggling Day! Watch Zaniac Alex Zerbe, who juggles with a goofy twist, or David Rush, who holds lots of juggling world records. Juggling is an ancient skill; a painting of people juggling, was found on a 4000 year-old Egyptian tomb!

Clean Your Fish’s Room

Hmm. Something seems fishy today. It’s Go Fishing Day and International Sushi Day, so if you catch a fish, you can eat it raw. But a much nicer thing to celebrate, is Clean Your Aquarium Day! Instead of catching or eating our fishy friends, give adopted fish a nice clean tank!

Pack a Panicked Picnic

Don’t panic about what to have for dinner. It’s International Picnic Day, so you can literally go out to eat. Simply bring some sandwiches and water. Nature is the star of the meal! Actually, you can panic anyway, because it’s also International Panic Day. Just remember to calm down after your moment of stress!

Which Ball Do We Use In the Game?

Twickenham Stadium in London, had a record-breaking display, made of rugby balls. The Honda company used 2,030 balls, to make the largest rugby ball mosaic in the world. The balls spelled out a 1,726 square-foot Honda logo, in red and white. Afterwards, all the balls were donated to rugby clubs in England.

After Awhile Crocodile

Today is World Crocodile Day, but it includes all alligators and crocodilians, especially endangered ones. Do you know how to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? Alligators have a broad, u-shaped snout. Crocodiles have narrow, pointy snouts, and show their bottom teeth when their mouth is closed. See you later alligator!

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