The Music of Black Holes

Belgian mathematician Valery Vermeulen is also a musician. He has created electronic music, from the gravitational waves of black holes. The project, called Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001, used data from the Voyager Satellite, floating 14,000,000,000 miles from Earth. Valery also used radiation readings from white dwarfs and neutron stars, to create his data sonification.

Pooping in Luxury

Archaeologists discovered a 2700-year-old toilet, inside an ancient settlement in Jerusalem. The toilet is a block of limestone, with a hole carved in the middle, placed over a septic tank. At that time, only very rich people, would have had toilets. This one probably belonged to one of the kings of the Judean Kingdom.

Egg Facts Crack Me Up

Did you know it’s World Egg Day? Ostrich eggs are so big, that one weighed nearly 6 pounds! A vervain hummingbird’s tiny eggs are only 10 mm long. Snake eggs are leathery, while frog eggs are clear and look like jelly. Even some mammals lay eggs, like duck-billed platypuses and echidnas. Eggs are egg-citing!

Avoid All the Arms

Today is World Octopus Day! Octopuses have 3 hearts, and 8 arms, not tentacles. Tentacles only have suckers at the tips. Octopuses are extremely intelligent, masters of camouflage, and escape artists! Today is also Touch Tag Day. An octopus would be great at water tag! My favorite version is freeze tag. Tag, you’re it!

A Long-Awaited Malaria Vaccine

Mosquitoes transmit a disease called malaria, which kills around 400,000 people per year, mostly in Africa. For the first time, scientists have developed an effective malaria vaccine. They have been working on malaria vaccines for 30 years, so they’re excited to finally see some success! It will save thousands of lives.

Meteors in the Moonlight

Friday night may be a good night, to see some meteors! The Draconid meteor shower should be visible in the early evening, and is caused by debris from the 21P/Giacobini-Zinner Comet. Debris burns up in the atmosphere, creating fireballs that streak across the sky. The Southern Hemisphere, will also see the Arids meteor shower.

That Engine Doesn’t Sound Right

Squirrels are busy gathering nuts for the winter, but where do they store them all? A red squirrel in North Dakota, decided a truck, was the perfect place for his stash. When Bill Fischer opened the hood of his Chevy Avalanche, he found 42 pounds of walnuts stuffed everywhere! That was one busy squirrel.

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