But What About Strawberry Milk?

Attention! Chocolate milk does not come from brown cows! One study of 1000 adults, showed 48% of them didn’t know where chocolate milk came from, and 7% thought it only came from brown cows. For the record, chocolate milk is just milk with chocolate syrup added. Happy Chocolate Milk Day!

Find Your Roots

Today is Ancestor Appreciation Day. Did any of your ancestors come from other countries? Make a family tree, label your parents and grandparents, and see how far back you can trace. Then go stomp a soda can for Crush A Can Day. It’s fun, plus it makes it more compact to recycle!

Ohio’s Great Pumpkin

A pumpkin in Ohio, broke the state record for heaviest pumpkin. Jeff Theil’s massive gourd was the star of the Barnesville Pumpkin Festival, weighing in at 2,195 pounds. While it may be the biggest pumpkin in Ohio, it’s a lightweight compared to the world’s largest pumpkin. That Belgian behemoth, weighed 2,624 pounds!

Loggerhead Turtle Travels in Style

3 years ago, a loggerhead sea turtle washed ashore in Ireland. After getting caught in the wrong ocean current, young Julius Caesar had hypothermia from the cold water. The fully recovered turtle was finally returned to warmer waters, on an Aer Lingus flight to the Canary Islands. JC even got his own boarding pass!

Patient Students Finally Get Answers

15 years ago, a student group in New Zealand, found a fossil on the beach. The specimen was removed from the sandstone with cement saws, and donated to a Maori museum. The fossil has finally been identified, as a new giant penguin species, named Kairuku waewaeroa. The 5-foot-tall bird lived over 27,000,000 years ago.

Daughters Day on the River

Today is World Rivers Day. The longest river in the world is the Nile, at 4160 miles long, although some scientists say the Amazon is even longer, depending on how you measure it. Is there a river in your town? Go explore it! Bring along a picnic, and celebrate International Daughters Day.

Apple Pancakes for Me Please

Today is Johnny Appleseed Day, the birthday of John Chapman in 1774. He traveled around the United States, planting orchards of apple trees. He ate out of his tin hat, which is why he’s often depicted with a pot on his head. It’s also Lumberjack Day, originally created as an excuse to eat pancakes!

Save Our Planet

When Swedish 15-year-old Greta Thunberg, started her weekly school strikes 3 years ago, she was raising awareness of the Earth’s climate crisis. Her Fridays For Future protests grew into a worldwide movement. Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of young people joined the Global Climate Strike, in over 80 countries, urging the world to take action.

Dreaming of Word Problems

Don’t you just love word problems in math class? Today is Math Storytelling Day! See who can write the most entertaining story using math. It’s also World Dream Day. What do you dream of doing during your lifetime? Don’t forget Comic Book Day! Maybe you can create a comic book about your math dream!

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