You Can’t Hack It

It’s so frustrating when you forget your password, and your mom probably can’t help you find it! Today is World Password Day. It’s important to update passwords with something difficult to hack, but make sure you can remember it yourself! Try using random words, and don’t use 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 or the word PASSWORD, for your password!

Celebrate Mexican Heritage

Today is Cinco de Mayo, which is Spanish for the Fifth of May. The day commemorates a victory in 18 61: when 2000 Mexican soldiers fought off 6000 French soldiers in the Battle of Puebla, during the Franco-Mexican War. Mexican-Americans started the holiday as a celebration of their Mexican heritage including music, food, and dancing.

Which Jobs Sound Interesting?

What will you be when you grow up? Explore future jobs, because it’s Aztronaut Day and Cartoonists Day. You don’t like space or drawing? It’s International Midwives’ Day, if you want to help women have babies. It’s also Skilled Trades Day and Interpreter Appreciation Day. Maybe you’ll be a plumber, electrician, or translator.

Busy School Schedule

It’s Bike To School Day, so grab your helmet, and get pedaling. Bring a big sub sandwich to eat for lunch , because it’s Hoagie Day. If you scrape your knee, or get a tummyache, you can tell the nurse thank you, and Happy School Nurse Day. And don’t forget, it’s still Teacher Appreciation Week!

Star Wars Day Sequel

Millions of Star Wars fans celebrated Star Wars Day yesterday, proclaiming “May the Fourth be with you.” But if you didn’t get a chance to complete your movie marathon, or just want to have an excuse to play Battlefront, you’re in luck. Today is Revenge of the Fifth. The Sith Lords want their day!

Nail Care in the Shed

Today’s a weird holiday. It’s Hug A Shed And Take A Selfie Day! Okay then. Sheds can be used for tool storage, art studios, or cool spaces to hang out, but do they really need a hug? It’s also Nail Day. Give yourself a manicure, and and clip your nails, before hammering nails.

Lightning Clears the Air

A big thunderstorm can give everything a powerful wash, but did you know that lightning can also clean the air? Lightning bolts and their surrounding electrical charges, produce nitric oxide, hydroxide, hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl. These oxidants help trap and flush out greenhouse gases. They’re cleaning carbon monoxide and methane from the atmosphere.

Ode to an Orange

Today is Orange Juice Day. Make it special, by squeezing your own juice from fresh oranges. Cut the peels into strips, because it’s also Candied Orange Peel Day. They turn into delicious candy, when simmered in a sugar syrup. While they’re cooking, write a poem, to surprise someone for Poem On Your Pillow Day.

Fantastic Firefighters

Every year, wildfires focus attention on firefighters everywhere. But they’re also working every day, putting out house fires and blocking off traffic accidents. They’re investigating smoke alarms, teaching fire safety to students, and rescuing animals trapped in unusual situations. Today, on International Firefighters’ Day, let’s give a huge thank you to the world’s firefighters!

Teachers Are the Best!

Today is Teacher Appreciation Day. Be sure to give them extra thanks, even the ones that are tough on you. Different teaching styles and personalities, help you learn to work with all kinds of people in life. Teachers have missed their students while schools are closed, and we miss them too! Thank you Teachers!

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