Corgis Everywhere

A bunch of little dogs with short legs, crowded the beach in Seaside Oregon last weekend. The annual Corgi Beach Takeover, saw hundreds of corgis appear in costume contests, races, and raffles, to benefit the Oregon Humane Society. The furballs enjoyed frolicking in the ocean with all their new knee-high friends.

City Ruins Were Hidden for Hundreds of Years

A team of archaeologists made a remarkable discovery in Mexico. They found an ancient Maya city, deep in the dense jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula. There are no previous records of the city, which has been named OcumtĂșn. The site includes stone columns, plazas, pyramid-style buildings, and other structures arranged in circles.

Earless Dragon Sighting Gives Hope for the Species

A tiny lizard species in Australia, hadn’t been seen since 1969. Researchers feared the Victorian grassland earless dragon had gone extinct, until one was recently rediscovered. The Australian government is funding an expedition to locate the whole population, to help the species recover, through habitat restoration, and protecting them from invasive predators.

Tapioca Makes Me Happy, And So Do You!

Today is Happy Heart Hugs Day. It was created for anyone who “fills your heart with happy, that’s not close enough for regular-type hugs.” They’re the perfect socially-distanced hug. It’s also Tapioca Day. Tapioca is a starch made from the cassava plant. They’re the beads that look like frog eggs, in tapioca pudding.

Hey There Big Guy

Today is Paul Bunyan Day, named for the giant North American lumberjack. His big blue ox was named Babe. Legend says Paul Bunyan sawed the legs off his parents’ bed when he was 7 months old. He formed the Great Lakes as watering holes for Babe, and made the Grand Canyon by dragging his axe.

Ring Washes Inland Over the Years

When Jim Keelan lost his class ring in 19 72, he though he’d never see it again. He was celebrating his graduation with friends at the beach, and possibly dropped it into the ocean. 51 years later, Anthony DiMaria Sadorski found the ring in a creek, and reunited Jim and his ring through Facebook.

Train Mosquitoes to Avoid You

Are you irresistible to mosquitoes? They are attracted to some people’s odors more than others. Researchers found you can train mosquitoes to avoid your odor, by swatting at them and waving your arms around. Air vibrations make them uncomfortable, so they will avoid you for the day and bite your friend instead!

Don’t Skimp On Skin Protection

Are you putting your sunblock on correctly? Chances are, you’re not using enough. Researchers found that most people only use 1/3 of the amount necessary, to properly protect their skin from the sun. While it will still offer some protection, you need a thick layer to truly block harmful rays.

No Sight, No Hearing, No Problem

Today is Helen Keller Day. She lost both her sight and hearing before she turned 2, but an extraordinary teacher named Anne Sullivan was able to break through and teach her. Helen grew up to go to college and become an author. She was also a political activist, and fought for disability rights.

I’m Not Sure I Want Onion Cake

What do you do when it’s Pineapple Day, Onion Day, Ice Cream Cake Day, and Orange Blossom Day? Make a pineapple-onion-upside-down-ice-cream-cake, with orange blossom tea. Put on your shades, and enjoy it outside in the sunshine while playing Bingo, because it’s also Sunglasses Day and Bingo Day! That’s a lot to celebrate.

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