A Rash and a Record

A man in Ontario Canada, was itching to get to earn a world record. Robert Fedrock investigated a vine on his property, and is now the proud owner of the tallest poison ivy plant in the world. The vine is 68 feet tall. Despite taking precautions, Robert still ended up with a rash.

Smell Like a Mosquito-Free Coconut

Do you get lots of mosquito bites, when you go outdoors? Mosquitoes are naturally attracted to some people, more than others. If you’re one of the unlucky ones that mosquitoes love, try changing your soap. Researchers found that mosquitoes were more attracted to Dial and Dove soaps, and more repelled by coconut-scented soaps.

I Sewed the Oven Mitt To the Tablecloth

Kitchen Klutzes of America, unite! It’s your day! It’s okay if you drop the bowl of cake batter, or forget to put the lid on the blender. We’ll forgive your clumsiness in the kitchen, and keep a fire extinguisher ready. It’s also Sewing Machine Day. Sew a chef’s hat, and an apron for protection!

Target Practice

Today is World Softball Day. Organize a game and practice your fastpitch. If you want to work on your aim alone, you’re in luck. It’s also International Axe Throwing Day. Use a toy axe please! You can also look for a local axe-throwing club, to safely practice your strength, technique, and accuracy.

Which Plants Will You Keep?

Today is Weed Your Garden Day. Make sure your vegetables aren’t getting buried in unwanted plants, and that your flowers have room to thrive. If you didn’t plant anything this spring, don’t worry. The weeds can be your garden! Dandelions, plantain, wood sorrel, chickweed, and many other weeds, are actually edible. Pick a salad.

Baby Sloth Is Really Clingy

A baby sloth was born at the Cincinnati Zoo last week. The mother, named Lightning, has not revealed the name yet. Linnaeus’s two-toed sloths spend 15 to 20 hours a day sleeping and are nocturnal, which means they are active at night. Baby sloth will cling to its mom for 6 months!

Love Comes From Within

Today is Red Rose Day, and Loving Day. Although red roses are a symbol of love, Loving Day is about overturning a racist law. In 19 58, interracial marriage was illegal in many states. Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving went to the Supreme Court, to fight for mixed-race marriages to be legal everywhere.

Eating Jerky Is Hard Work

A delicious dinner today, would be fantastic fried fritters made from chick peas, for International Falafel Day. Eat your falafel in a pita pocket, with lots of toppings. It’s also Jerky Day, but don’t act like one! Jerky is dried and salted meat, but plant-based meat, mushroom, tofu, and eggplant jerkies are also available.

Beware of Kryptonite

Look, up in the sky. It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman Day! The first Superman comic was published in 19 38. Superman was also the first superhero with special powers, a colorful costume, and a secret identity. Make a cape out of a towel, and pretend you’re Superman today!

Plop Smush Bake

Yay! It’s Peanut Butter Cookie Day! Mix a cup of sugar, a cup of peanut butter, and an egg together. Put spoonfuls on a cookie sheet, press them down with a fork, and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until they are just barely brown at the bottom. It’s the easiest cookie recipe ever!

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