What Are You Screaming About?

Did you know it’s Scream Day? Have a screaming contest with your family, to see who’s the loudest. Find a place that echoes, to hear yourself scream back. Look at photos from the Screamotron3000, created by photographer Billy Hunt. In New Jersey, texting the Scream Truck, will bring an ice cream truck to you!

Wish On a Shooting Star

Did you any shooting stars last week? As Earth passes through a comet’s debris field, bits of rock burn up in the atmosphere, causing meteor showers. The Lyrid meteor showers will be visible for another week, so get up early and stargaze. Look east in the pre-dawn sky, and get ready to wish!

Take Your Pick

You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose. Except maybe it’s ok just for today, since it’s International Nose Picking Day, haha! Yuck! Always remember, the mucous in your nose traps bacteria, before it gets in your lungs, so don’t eat your bacteria-filled boogers.

See a Movie About Pixel-Stained Scientists

You’ll never guess what today is. Seriously, you’ll never guess. It’s International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day! Too wacky? Do an experiment, for World Laboratory Day. Too much work? Go see a movie, for Movie Theater Day. Don’t worry if the movie got bad reviews, because it’s also Take A Chance Day!

Shakespeare By Night

Today is English Language Day. Celebrate by making sure you know the difference between Y-O-U-R and Y-O-U-apostrophe-R-E! You can also use old English words, like thee and thou. Dost thou know that it’s Talk Like Shakespeare Day as well? Wherefore art thou Romeo? He’s probably reading by candlelight, because it’s also World Book Night!

What’s In Your Picnic Basket?

Going out to eat, doesn’t have to be expensive. Just have a picnic outside! Pack a lunch and eat in the park, your yard, or your porch, for Picnic Day. Your living room floor works too. It’s also Asparagus Day, and Cherry Cheesecake Day, so be sure to pack those foods, along with sandwiches!

Wrapped Up In Seaweed Plastic

An seaweed species called sargassum, is invading the shores of Trinidad and Tobago. Keeran Reed and his colleagues, have figured out how to turn it from a nuisance, into a useful product. They created a compostable plastic wrap, that biodegrades in only 3 weeks, but can still last 10 days in water.

April Fun

April showers bring May flowers. But what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims, hahaha. Celebrate April Showers Day, by playing in the rain. It’s also Record Store Day, so bring an umbrella to keep your new records dry! Muslims are also celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting.

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