Free Fun is the Best

Today is International Frugal Fun Day. Frugal means thrifty, so do something that doesn’t cost a lot of money. How about a hike in the woods, to find different-colored leaves! You can make cards with them, for Card Making Day. It’s cheaper than buying a card, and a way to give frugal fun away.

Cookies Without the Meat

It’s Homemade Cookies Day, so here’s my favorite recipe. Mix 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup peanut butter, with 1 egg. Press balls of dough with a fork to make a criss-cross pattern. Bake at 350 degrees, for 10 minutes! It’s also World Vegetarian Day. Skip the meat! Cookies don’t have meat in them, so you can celebrate both!

1,058 Years and Counting

12 siblings in Spain, set a world record, for having a combined age of more than 1,058 years. The 7 brothers and 5 sisters range in age, from 76 to 97. The Hernandez-Perez siblings all live in Moya, on the island of Gran Canaria, where they grew up. That’s a lot of years together!

Lovable and Endangered

Today is Save The Koalas Day. The adorable animals live in Australia, but their habitat is threatened by humans and bushfires. They only eat eucalyptus leaves, which also gives them nearly all their moisture. When the forests are cut down, the koalas have nowhere to live and nothing to eat. They need our help.

Is the Sun Hot?

Today is Love People Day. Sometimes we need to remember that we’re all part of the human race, and we should love each other. Yes, even when your brother is being annoying! It’s also Ask A Stupid Question Day. Don’t be embarrassed, just ask! Have fun seeing if I can answer some stupid questions.

Grateful for Modern Gum

Get your jaws ready, to celebrate Chewing Gum Day! People have been chewing gum for more than 5000 years. They started by chewing blobs of wax, tree sap, or bark tar. It didn’t taste good, and they couldn’t blow bubbles with it, but it satisfied the need to gnaw on something!

Thunderbirds Are Go

You may have watched the animated TV series, Thunderbirds Are Go, in recent years. But have you ever watched the original Thunderbirds, from 19 65? The British TV series was made using Supermarionation, with life-like puppets. Today is Thunderbirds Day, so look up the original episodes, and watch the International Rescue Team at work!

Humongous Head Nods Hello

Ollie’s Bargain Outlet, has been selling stuff for 40 years. They celebrated their anniversary, by unveiling the world’s largest bobblehead. The figure, a replica of their mascot, stands more than 16 1/2 feet high. The giant Ollie bobbles a big welcome, to visitors shopping in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania store.

Bats Roosting Up for the Dance

A homecoming dance in California, had been put on hold, after bats were discovered living in the school gym. The Northern California Bats rescue group, said they are probably Mexican free-tail bats. The bats could not be removed before Saturday’s dance, so it will be rescheduled. Maybe they should just have a Halloween dance.

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