Lightly Toasted With Lightning

Today is Frankenstein Day. Lurch around like Doctor Frankenstein’s creature, or read the original book, written by Mary Shelley. Maybe Frankenstein should have electrified marshmallows instead of people, since it’s Toasted Marshmallow Day. Have a bonfire, and roast one on a stick, or watch a marshmallow grow huge in the microwave!

Do You Carry Berries?

A shopper at a Dollar General store in Michigan, rounded the corner to a big surprise. A deer was also browsing the aisles. Jackson County Animal Control showed up, to help the deer find her way back outside. I guess she didn’t find anything she wanted to buy.

A Head of Golden Ringlets

Archaeologists have discovered a trove of gold rings, in an ancient grave in Romania, uncovered during new highway construction. The rings were worn by a woman 6,500 years ago. The 169 rings would have been worn in her hair. She was also buried with 800 bone beads and a spiraling copper bracelet.

Farming in the City

When you picture a farm, do you think of crops in a field? Research shows that some vegetables, grow even better in urban farms. Tomatoes and leafy greens do very well in indoor hydroponic farms, using water instead of soil. Lettuce, kale, and broccoli can be grown vertically, taking up less space on rooftops.

Sandy Science

Scientists have some advice for beach fun. They figured out the perfect mix for sand castles, is 1 part water, to 8 parts sand. Pack the sand firmly into buckets or molds. Better yet, make a big pile of sand, and start carving. Sand from riverbanks is spikier, helping it stick together.

Shake the Salt Habit

Today is More Herbs, Less Salt Day. If your food tastes bland, there are many seasonings you can use to add flavor instead of salt. Try smoked paprika, or curry powder. Fresh herbs like mint, basil, and rosemary are easy to grow in your kitchen window. It’s also Lemon Juice Day. Make some mint-basil-lemonade!

This Is Only a Drill

At school, you have fire drills. But at the Chiang Mai Zoo in Thailand, they had an escaped animal drill. An employee dressed up in an ostrich costume, then pretended to escape. He ran around acting like an ostrich, while other employees attempted to capture him with nets. Zoo visitors enjoyed the show.

More Chances To Spawn

The largest coral reef in the world, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, only spawns twice a year, having billions of babies. But scientists used artificial moonlight, to convince a captive coral colony, to spawn at other times of the year. They hope to transplant the corals, to help restore the damaged Great Barrier Reef.

Let Your Tie Collect the Crumbs

It’s Bow Tie Day, so choose one that stands out, and get ready to spend some time at your computer. It’s also Crackers Over The Keyboard Day, and Race Your Mouse Around The Icons Day! When your computer’s running slow, eat a snack and play with the cursor, to help pass the time.

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