Who Clogged the Toilet?

Elephants are the largest land mammals in the world. Their skin is an inch thick. They can weigh over 12,000 pounds, and grow 10 feet tall. They eat 300-600 pounds of food a day, with around 220 pounds coming back out as poop. Celebrate these amazing animals, for World Elephant Day!

Youth and Adults Unite

Today is the United Nations’ International Youth Day. The theme this year is Intergenerational Solidarity; Creating a World for All Ages. In order to save our Earth from Climate Change, everyone needs to help. Kids like Greta Thunburg have been doing their part to demand change, by leading protests. Adults need to act faster.

Spin Some Records

Today is Vinyl Record Day. These big flat discs with a spiral groove, store sound. Dig out a record player and dance! Or, watch the Slow Mo Guys Spin a vinyl record so fast that it shatters, on their YouTube channel. Their camera films 343,000 frames-per-second. Everything’s amazing in slow motion!

Capybara Capers

Although capybaras are common in South America, no one expected to see the world’s largest rodent, roaming around Missouri. The rodent of unusual size, is Anetka Borowski’s pet, named Capy. She got loose from her pen, so if you see a capybara wandering the streets, please let Anetka know.

Can You Spot a Shooting Star?

The Perseid meteor showers are filling the sky, even though the bright moon makes them harder to see. The night of August 11th will be the peak, as the Earth passes through fields of comet waste. As the debris burns up in our atmosphere, it leaves blazing trails overhead.

Unusual Sneezes

Sneezes are in the news today. Gorillas at Zoo Atlanta, have started using a cough-sneeze combination, to get the keepers’ attention. Gorillas in other zoos have also used the snough to call humans over. Meanwhile, researchers discovered that deep-sea sponges, sneeze out mucus. It helps keep their pores clean.

This Day’s For Everyone

Today is Son’s And Daughter’s Day, which seems a little silly, because everyone was born as someone’s son or daughter! Any excuse to celebrate is welcome, so try to be the kind of kid that would make your parents proud. Let’s all be nice and helpful, and kind to each other!

Sand You Can Mold

Grab your buckets and shovels, because today is Play In The Sand Day. Make a sand castle at the beach, or a construction zone in the sandbox. If you’d rather stay home, you’re in luck. It’s also Global Kinetic Sand Day. The squeezable sand, was originally mixed with beeswax, to make it less messy.

Let’s Share the World Record

Beginning the last day of 20 21, Kate Jayden started running 26.2 miles every day. 106 days later, she broke a world record, for the most consecutive days, of a female running a marathon distance. Not long afterward, the English woman’s record was tied by 2 Scottish women, Fay Cunningham and Emma Petrie.

Storing Electricity On Storage Spaces

Storage facilities are popular, for people who have too much stuff to store in their home. But a company in New Jersey, is storing stuff on the top of storage spaces. Solar Landscape installed solar panels, on top of the buildings at Extra Space Storage, and produced enough electricity to power 1400 homes.

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