Just Lion Around

Today is World Lion Day. The “King of the Jungle” actually inhabits grasslands. A lion’s roar can be heard for 5 miles! They live in groups of about 15, called prides, with a male as the leader. The mane of hair around his neck gets darker with age. Lion populations are shrinking. Let’s save the lions!

Artful Writing

It’s World Calligraphy Day, celebrating the artistry of writing. You can use a fountain pen, a wide-tipped marker, a brush, or a feather quill and ink. Look up calligraphy styles, and practice writing each letter carefully. Even a shopping list can look like a fancy wedding invitation, when written in calligraphy!

Lazy Dessert

Today is Skyscraper Appreciation Day. The world’s tallest building is over half-a-mile high, in Dubai. Could you climb to the top? Maybe not today, since it’s also Lazy Day. See if you can sleep 16 hours, like a lion! When you wake up, make s’mores around a fire. S’mores Day celebrates the chocolate-marshmallow-graham cracker treat!

Thousands of Baby Sea Turtles

Loggerhead sea turtles set a new record in Georgia. There have been the most nests on Georgia beaches this year since 1980, when the state started keeping track. So far, the nest count is 3,960, with hatchings still happening. Loggerheads are a threatened species, so all the baby turtles are great news!

Unexpected Bonus Light Show

On Sunday, an unexpected solar wind stream pelted the Earth, at 372 miles-per-second. Did you feel it? Actually, solar winds hit Earth’s magnetic field, causing a display of auroras, which are colorful light shows in the night sky. Solar storms are not uncommon, but scientists can usually predict them. This one was a surprise.

The First Nations

Today, the United Nations celebrates International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. There are over 476,000,000 indigenous people living around the world, in 90 countries. The people that were native to a land, before invaders or explorers came, are trying to preserve unique cultures, languages, and traditions. Research who originally lived in your region.

Magnificent Melons

Today is Melon Day. There are at least 30 varieties of melon, so if you buy them all, you can have a feast! The biggest cantaloupe in the world, weighed 65.9 pounds, while the world’s biggest watermelon weighed over 350 pounds! Plant the seeds, and maybe you can grow your own watermelon bathtub!

Hippo Birthday

The Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio, has a new baby hippopotamus . The bouncing baby boy has not been named yet, but the zoo is taking suggestions on their website. He’s already swimming with his mom, Bibi, but has not yet met his sister, Fiona. The little hippo calf weighed around 60 pounds at birth.

Lighter Than 100 Pennies

Did you know, George Washington’s face wasn’t always on the 1 dollar bill? When the first U.S. dollar system was printed in 1862, the Secretary of Treasury, Salman P Chase, was on it. Celebrate Dollar Day by going to the Dollar Tree, even though every item is now a dollar 25.

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