Let’s Have a Picnic Reunion

One of the hardest things during the coronavirus lockdown, was not being able to see all your relatives. As more people get vaccinated, it’s safer to visit. Since today is Visit Your Relatives Day, have a reunion in person, video chat using Facetime or Zoom, or just call them on the phone!

How Many Ice Cubes Did You Use?

Today is Numeracy Day. People that love mathematics can make today all about numbers. If you struggle with math, you can find fun games online to help you learn. It’s also Juice Slush Day. Crush fruits and ice in a blender, or stick your favorite juice in the freezer until it gets slushy.

Nothing On the Kitchen Counter is Safe

A great dane in Texas, is officially the world’s tallest dog. Zeus is only 2 years old, but he’s more than 3 feet 5 inches tall at the shoulders. Is he taller than you? Zeus is a good boy, except when he steals babies’ pacifiers. His best friend is Zeb, a miniature Australian shepherd.

Happy 830,000,000th Birthday?

Scientists have discovered tiny organisms, inside an 830,000,000-year-old rock. Incredibly, the procaryotes could even be alive. The single-cell organisms are trapped in halite crystals, known as rock salt. Pockets of fluid inside the crystals, could have provided a microhabitat for the ancient life. I think they’re overdue, for a birthday party.

Find Fungi With a Fun Guy

Today is Mushroom Hunting Day. Explore in the woods, to see how many different mushrooms you can find. Take photos, and learn to identify them. Don’t eat any, unless you have a mycologist with you, which is someone who studies fungi. They know which mushrooms can kill you, and which ones are delicious.

What An Interesting Midden

Today is Pack Rat Day! Do you pick up shiny objects and cool trinkets to save forever in your house? You’re just like a packrat! They collect treasures for their nests, or middens. Packrat middens are valuable to paleobiologists because they can preserve plants, pollen, and artifacts for 50,000 years. Will they study your midden someday?

Baking By Phone

Today is World Baking Day. Since it’s also Cherry Cobbler Day, and Walnut Day, start by baking a cherry cobbler and some walnut bread. Then call your friends, to celebrate World Telecommunications Day. You can tell them about your delicious baked goods, and make their mouths water. Better yet, have a video chat picnic!

Where Do They Send the Thank You Note?

Someone gave the Wiley College Class of 20 22, a lovely graduation gift. During the graduation ceremony for more than 100 students, the college president announced that all of their college debts were paid off. The anonymous donor’s generous gift, was worth over $300,000. Thank you, whoever you are!

Tell Me About Your Life

Have you ever read the life story, of a real person? That’s called a biography. An auto-biography, is a book written about oneself. Today is Biographer’s Day, so interview a friend, family member, or anyone else you think is interesting, and write their biography. Maybe someone would like to write your biography too.

Let’s Be a Happy Planet

Some people think aliens have never visited our planet because it’s too violent, so they invented Wear Purple for Peace Day. World Peace starts with each person, so wear purple and don’t fight with your brother or sister. After all, we want the Earth to look like a nice place to take a vacation.

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