Whose Land Are You Living On?

Today we celebrate Native American Heritage Day. They were the original inhabitants, of the land that became the United States. Native Americans helped the European settlers survive, but they were not treated kindly in return. Learn which Indigenous people, once lived where you live now, at Native-Land.ca. It shows the whole world.

Check Out This Stick!

Last year in New Zealand, Andrew Taylor noticed his local park had no good sticks for his dog to play with. He built a crate, labeled it “Stick Library,” and filled it with nice-sized branches, for dogs to borrow. Now, other stick libraries, have been built around the world. Does your park have one?

Watching Fireballs in the Cold

The Taurid meteor showers can be seen lighting up the night skies, from October to December every year. The Southern Taurids peak tonight, with 5 to 10 meteors per hour. The exciting thing about the Taurids, is that they often produce brighter than average fireballs! Set your alarm for midnight, and start watching!

Sheepish List

The best part of making a list, is checking or crossing off each item as it’s done. Today is Checklist Day. Make a list of things you’ve been meaning to do, then get to work! Is hugging a fluffy animal, on your list? It’s Hug A Sheep Day, so find a sheep to squeeze!

The Moon Has a Pumpkin Costume

It’s October, and many people are planning their Halloween costumes. Even the moon is dressing up, although it’s a bit early. The full moon on October 20th, is the Hunter’s Moon. Watch around sunset, because the moon will look huge and orange as it rises, each night from October 19th through the 22nd.

Clothing That Really Stands Out

Today is Wear Something Gaudy Day, so get out your brightest, showy clothes! A neon shirt with sparkly pants and polka dot socks would be perfect! It’s also Playing Card Collection Day. Do you have more than one deck of cards? Which deck is your favorite? Show them off while playing cards with someone!

My Yarn Ball Will Jump Instead

Today is Bridge Day, but it’s not really about bridges. It’s about BASE jumpers, the people who jump off of them for fun, using parachutes or wingsuits! BASE stands for Buildings, Antennas, Spans, (like bridges), and Earth, (like cliffs). It’s also I Love Yarn Day, if knitting is more your style!

National Parks Feature Fossils

The US National Park Service is celebrating National Fossil Day today at many of their parks. Fossils are prehistoric plants or animals, petrified and preserved in stone. Paleontologists study fossils, like dinosaur bones! You can download a Junior Paleontologist Activity Booklet online, to help you celebrate. Do you have any fossils?

Honor Your Land’s First People

A day off from school or work this holiday, traditionally celebrated Columbus Day. In recent years however, the holiday has shifted to Native American Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day. After all, Columbus did not discover America, but treated its inhabitants badly. The people that were already living there, are the ones we honor today.

Meteors in the Moonlight

Friday night may be a good night, to see some meteors! The Draconid meteor shower should be visible in the early evening, and is caused by debris from the 21P/Giacobini-Zinner Comet. Debris burns up in the atmosphere, creating fireballs that streak across the sky. The Southern Hemisphere, will also see the Arids meteor shower.

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