A Close-Up Look At Eagles

Eagles all over North America are busy fixing their nests, and starting to lay eggs. Eagle pairs add to the same nest year after year, building them up to 8 feet deep and 9 feet wide! Online sites like outdoorchannel.com, have eaglecams so you can watch eggs hatch, and parents feed their growing eaglets.

Get Creative With Almonds

Today is Innovation Day, so make an effort to do something inventive. Create an interesting recipe, figure out a new way to do something, or just rearrange the furniture. You’ll have a new and improved bedroom! It’s also Almond Day. What innovative ways can you think of, to eat this delicious nut?

Give a Grouch a Tim Tam

Do you know someone that’s always kind of grumpy? Do something nice for them, because it’s Do A Grouch A Favor Day. Maybe it’ll make them less grouchy! It’s also Tim Tam Day. The biscuits covered in chocolate are a favorite in Australia, but the rest of us might have to buy them online.

A Field Full of Money

A group of treasure hunters in England, found a stash of ancient coins in a field. The 7 men were at a metal detector rally in Hambledeen, when they started uncovering hundreds of coins dating back to the mid-13-hundreds. The hoard has officially been declared treasure by the British government, and is worth $180,000.

Following a Tiny Rock Through Space

An asteroid blazed through Earth’s atmosphere on Sunday, breaking into little pieces before hitting the ground. The amazing thing, is that Hungarian astronomer Krisztián Sárneczky, spotted the 3-foot-wide asteroid by telescope, hours before impact. Scientists were able to predict the approximate time and location, that the meteorite would hit Earth.

Hippo-Hippo Hooray!

Hippo Happy Day. I mean, Happy Hippo Day! Did you know, hippopotamuses give pink milk? Another crazy fact is, they can’t swim! They just walk underwater. They might look slow and harmless, but be careful; they kill around 3000 people a year. Also, they fling poop with their tails, to mark their territory!

Squishy Gumdrops

Do you know who Spongebob Squarepants is? Then you’ll know what to do, on Annoy Squidward Day. Squidward’s grumpy, but Spongebob doesn’t let that stop their friendship. It’s also Gumdrop Day! Percy Truesdell was the Gumdrop King, perfecting the candy in 1915. The sugar-coated gelatin drops are often flavored with allspice, clove, mint, or licorice.

Books Are Beautiful

Today is International Book Giving Day. Books make wonderful gifts, whether it’s a book by someone’s favorite author, or about something they’re interested in. The best book is a handmade one! Write and illustrate a story, even if it’s just a few pages stapled together, and give it to your family. They’ll love it!

What Would You Say to an Alien?

Today is Extraterrestrial Culture Day. Do you think there’s life on other planets? Read a book, like “The Alien Next Door,” or watch a movie, like “ET.” Then build a make-believe spaceship in your living room, or have everyone imagine a new planet, and draw their own alien species.

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