On Top of the World

The 18 93 World’s Columbian Exposition featured an exciting new ride, invented by George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. He created the first Ferris Wheel! Jake “Paco” Navarro holds a world record, for riding one for 53 hours straight. The tallest Ferris wheel ever, is in Dubai. It’s 820 feet high! Happy Ferris Wheel Day!

I Hope This One Is Strawberry

Today is Cream-Filled Chocolates Day. Since you might get a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day, it’s the perfect time to figure out the secret to what’s inside, before you bite into them. Some boxes have a map, to find your favorites. Many candy makers use a specific swirl on top, for each flavor.

Love Is Everywhere

Happy Valentine’s Day! Saint Valentine was a priest put to death in the third century, but legends vary as to the reason why. His feast day evolved into a celebration of love in the Middle Ages. The best reason to celebrate today is to show appreciation to people in your life. And to eat chocolate!

Wise Owl Hangs Out in Library

Yesterday the Super Bowl, was held in Arizona. But last week, there was a superb owl, in Georgia. Ha ha, they’re spelled the same! An owl flew down the chimney into a college library, and perched in the rafters. The library closed for 4 days, until they could get the owl outside.

Tune In to a Good Radio Station

Today is World Radio Day. Before TV, families used to listen to radio shows together. It’s great for new music. But radio is important for more than entertainment. In 19 46, United Nations Radio was established to help connect the world. Radio still reaches parts of the world, that don’t have internet service or television signals.

Just Call Me Pasta Pat

Today is Get A Different Name Day, so it’s a chance to try out a new nickname! You could make a new character name in a role playing game too, or pick out your next user name. It’s also Tortellini Day, a fun type of filling-stuffed pasta, that looks like a belly-button!

Football, Music, and Puppies

The Super Bowl takes place today in Arizona. Will this year’s American football champions be the Philadelphia Eagles, or the Kansas City Chiefs? Maybe you’ll just watch Rhianna perform in the halftime show.  Don’t forget to watch the Puppy Bowl, on Animal Planet. It’ll be Team Fluff versus Team Ruff, and full of cuteness.

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